Section titled How to contributeHow to contribute
Since this guide is made specifically for the discord.js community, we want to be sure to provide the most relevant and up-to-date content. We will, of course, make additions to the current pages and add new ones as we see fit, but fulfilling requests is how we know we're providing content you all want the most.
Requests may be as simple as "add an example to the frequently asked questions page", or as elaborate as "add a page regarding sharding". We'll do our best to fulfill all requests, as long as they're reasonable.
To make a request, simply head over to the repository's issue tracker and create a new issue! Title it appropriately, and let us know exactly what you mean inside the issue description. Make sure that you've looked around the site before making a request; what you want to request might already exist!
Remember that you can always fork the repository and make a pull request if you want to add anything to the guide yourself!
We'll also get into some of the more advanced features this guide does below.
Section titled ComponentsComponents
Throughout the guide, you'll see some components from the @discordjs/ui
, andDiscordMessageEmbed
Check the source of this page to see them in action!
Section titled AlertAlert
This component may take a title
and a type
of 'danger' | 'info' | 'success' | 'warning'
This uses title="Alert" type="info"
Use these appropriately!
Section titled SectionSection
Section titled DiscordMessages, DiscordMessage, and DiscordMessageEmbedDiscordMessages, DiscordMessage, and DiscordMessageEmbed

Guide Bot BOTToday at 21:00
A DiscordMessage
must be within DiscordMessages

Guide Bot BOTToday at 21:01
It's much better to see the source code of this page to replicate and learn!

Guide Bot BOTToday at 21:02
This message depicts the use of embeds.

This is a description. You can put a description here. It must be descriptive!

Multiple embeds!

Guide Bot BOTToday at 21:03
Interactions are supported! I definitely used a command.

Guide Bot BOTToday at 21:04
Display colors are supported as well!
Section titled Code blocksCode blocks
We use Code Hike. Here are some example code blocks, which should be easy to grasp and learn upon reading the source code of this page:
_10const HELLO = 'hello' as const;_10console.log(HELLO);_10// "ts" is the language of the code block.
For more information, be sure to check out the documentation.